Wishing you all a very Happy Women’s Day 2019
Real Heroes are not only the ones who fight with their guns and injure the opponent. Some Real Heroes are those who fight with their circumstances and go beyond self to bring about social change. In this post, meet some of those real heroes who have made a difference in their own lives and also in society.
#1. Jamuna Tudu
Jamuna Tudu, popularly known as Lady Tarzan. She is a perfect role model and inspiration for many. Ms. Tudu works night and day to save the forest from the Land Mafia. She has been safeguarding these jungles from two decades just like her own children. Ms. Tudu along with her women activists has conserved more than 55 hectares of forest.
The Beginning
Ms. Tudu spent her early childhood in Odisha. Recalling those memories she narrates that she grew up seeing mountains and his father used to sow seeds on whatever land he had. Eventually, she married and came from Odisha to Purbi (Singhum) district of Jharkhand. Now the situation was completely different with good natural cover and lots of trees. One fine day when her family members took her to the jungle to collect woods, a thought to conserve this beautiful jungle came in her mind.
The Indomitable Spirit and Fearless Attitude
Initially, people were very reluctant and nobody supported Ms. Tudu. Her own family was quite hesitant about it. The best part was that Ms. Tudu didn’t give up. She was clear with her vision and moved ahead with an optimistic attitude. A few days later, few women joined her and they used to survey the jungles thrice a day.
The jungle mafia tried to threaten them. They made Van Suraksha Samiti (Forest Protection Collective) protect the jungles. In the past many times the collective has taken actions and have stood together to stop the export of Sal timber. The Collective was also successful in sending a few of the mafias to jail. Therefore Jamuna is called Lady Tarzan and Jungle Queen.
The Leader was Born
Jamuna said “I don’t have children, but I consider all plants and trees as my children. Jamuna has received many recognitions and awards in the past. Recently she received the prestigious Padma Shri.
#2. Rajkumari Devi
Rajkumari Devi, popularly known as “Farmer Aunty” in Muzzafarpur (Bihar). She got the Padma Shri recently. Rajkumari Devi gives agricultural tips on kitchen farming and on developing right agro-based products. She has also mobilized many women to form Self Help Group and become financially independent.
Initial Circumstances
Rajkumari’s family had 1 acre of land. Her husband used to grow tobacco. Tobacco, the traditional crop grown in that region and the farmers knew nothing else than that. Rajkumari single handed tried to work in the land and came to the conclusion that there is much more that needs to be done. She then started growing vegetables and local fruits.
Her hard work paid off and she got the fruits of success. Gradually, the neighbors and other village women approached her and she narrated her success stories and gave her wholehearted support.
Going Beyond Self
Rajkumari mobilized women in Self Help Groups and the SHG’s started working on integrated farming. They got the loans and capital from the government under the Swarna Jayanti Swayam Rozgar Yojna. These women not only improved their farm produce but also started selling homemade products like pickles and jams.
Rajkumari Devi not only influenced her village but also women of Pipra, Manikpur, Basochak, Saraiya, and Karhara panchayats. She is a true hero.
#3. Teejan Bai
Teejan Bai awarded Padma Vibhushan for Arts-Vocal-Folk. She performs a traditional art form called PANDAVANI (literally means the story of the Pandavas). She narrates and enacts the musical tales of the Mahabharata.
Ms.Teejan was born in Ganiyari Village, Bhillai (Chhattisgarh) to a pardhi scheduled tribe family. On the personal front, she married at the age of 12. The women were not allowed to perform pandavani and therefore she was debarred from the pardhi community.
She started performing from the age of 13 in her village and outside. She got recognition and fame when a theatre personality called her to perform for the Prime Minister, Indra Gandhi. From then till now she has won many hearts and awards. You can read more about her.
#4. Bachendri Pal
Pal received Padma Bhushan for Sports-Mountaineering. She was the first women to reach the summit of Mount Everest in 1984.
Ms. Pal was born in Nakuri (Uttrakhand). She got her first exposure to the mountains when she was 12 years old. It was during her school picnic that his principal offered her to go to Nehru school of Mountaineering. She climbed many mountains during her school time. But when she decided to make it her career, the family members opposed.
But soon she got success in her chosen field. In 1984, she was chosen for India’s first mixed-gender team to attempt an expedition to Mount Everest. Soon as they started to climb the mountain, her team met with an avalanche and the camp got lost. Almost half of the team was forced to stop the ascent because of injury. Ms. Pal continued and reached the summit on 23rd May 1984. She was awarded Padma Shri in 1984.
#5. Rohini Godbole

Prof. Rohini is an Indian Physicist. Presently she is a professor at the Centre For High Energy, Physics, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore. She has worked tirelessly for the past three decades and explored the different aspects of the Standard Model of Particle Physics.
Ms. Godbole’s outstanding work in the field of high energy protons highlighted multiple ways to study and be the plan on which particle colliders of future generations will be built. She encourages many youths and students.
Another feather on her hat, the collection of biographical essays called Lilavati’s Daughters. It is about the Indian Women Scientists. Read more about her.
In the End
What do you think made these women achieve great heights and success? Its firm determination, perseverance and above all a caring and compassionate heart. Dear women fly high because only the sky is the limit.
Hope you enjoyed reading the post. Do share your suggestions via the comment section.
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