Texting is quite popular these days, especially among teenagers and they have a lot of texting styles. If you observe it closely, you find patterns. Let’s find out the most popular types of texting personalities based on their writing style.
Texting is so popular that it is slowly replacing calls of the good old days when the other person’s voice was the most important part of communication.
Today the voice just annoys the shit out of us because it ain’t Eminem. But,
Texting has a lot of benefits too, just like e-mails used to have back in ancient times.
Lets’ first know the definition of texting [1],
Texting, also called text messaging, the act of sending short messages with cell phones, usually using the Short Messaging Service (SMS)
You are attending a boring presentation or a meeting, and you cannot talk on the phone of course to kill the boredom, you have WhatsApp/ Instagram groups. At least 10 of them.

And almost all your friends are using those. And chances are that you will find 4-5 of them as bored as you.
Life is sorted even during the most boring time.
Like every good thing, even this comes with certain disadvantages. When there are people involved, annoyance is a part of the package.
7 Types of Texting Personalities
Every texter has a personality associated with his style of texting. Here are some of the types of texting personalities you should know.
#1. Shortcut (Shrtct) Maniacs
The first type of texting personality on this list is the Shortcut Maniacs.
They convert the simple and pretty ‘how are you’ into tasteless ‘hw r u’.
The so-called SMS lingo is anything but sensible and logical.
For someone who would swear in court with one hand on Oxford’s Guide to Grammar, this practice is obnoxious beyond limits. No wonder these shortcut maniacs become too bad with spellings.

The precious nano-seconds saved here are invested in wiping the ass for an added duration.
Their whole life is a typo for that matter.
For the record, it took me a few days to get the meaning of ‘bfn‘.
I was too ashamed to ask the sender about it. These days, I worship the Urban Dictionary as much as Google.
#2. One Word per Text Message Type
Pehle jitna ho gaya utna bhejta hoon!
You receive their texts as one word per text message, another common type of texting personality.
God save your sanity if your notifications are not on silent. And imagine the sender being a part of SMS lingo gang too.

The urge to block that person first off the phonebook then off the planet grows stronger with each such message. There’s a special place in hell for these types of texting personalities.
Their punishment would probably be to speak it all out at once. There would be no second chance. But before that, I would message them back saying:
#3. The Alzheimer Texters and Ignorers
One of the most annoying kind.
They see a message and ignore it. Like you don’t even exist.
At times they make a mental note to reply later and forget where they stored that note.
At times they are not even sure if they have already replied to a message.
Ask them a question and they reply to you in their head thinking the reply will reach you automatically.
Are they going to invent a mind reader app for such people? No, I don’t need it.

The Alzheimer Texters and IgnorersAlso by a general convention, never trust a person who doesn’t reply to messages. Just Saying…
What does their texting style say about them?
They are too occupied to reply anytime soon. Also, they care a lot about how their text sounds like and don’t just think they will do justice if they reply right away.
They have more conversations in their head than in real life. They are kind of the lost or absent-minded ones.
#4. The Heirs of Wren and Martin
They take their time but make sure their messages do not cause any discomfort to any grammar nazi and punctuation nazi in the vicinity.
They cross-check every word and ensure that every punctuation mark is at its rightful place.
When you are talking to them, they interrupt you at least thrice in each statement that you make, correcting your grammar and pronunciation.

What does this texting style says about them?
They are too particular with punctuation and grammar. Their love for grammar reflects in their texts too.
Once I sent an email to my senior and marked it urgent. He corrected grammar and punctuation errors in it and sent me back without really replying to it.
Talk about OCDs…
#5. The Shakespeares of Texting
They are some devout worshipers of GRE word glossaries.
They have a vocabulary so advanced, even the auto-correct shits itself ‘I got nothing man.’
One type of Shakespeare texters is those who like lengthy texts.
A conversation between two of these types would be orgasmic to the likes of pseudo-Shakespeare.

Every night after talking to them I dream of my ex-girlfriend reading out English Literature to me to teach me some of those words.
If you are this kind, what does this texting style say about you?
You are in love with the language, first of all. You value being thoughtful and sensitive, You believe that words are powerful and meaningful.
You write long texts often because you want to convey how much they mean to you from all their heart and sometimes to lift their spirits. Your friends count on you to be there for them when they need someone to talk to or someone to listen to.
#6. The Emoji obsessed ones
Emojis were invented to add a little fun to the otherwise boring texts. But some people only use emojis to communicate.
This type of texters is killing the whole purpose of emojis because now they are making the texts monotonous.

I got a thumbs up when I asked how are you and an emoji I didn’t understand when I asked what are you doing. Have you come across any such texter? Good for you, if you didn’t.
The maximum they like to type is ‘a word’.
What does their texting style say about the people obsessed with Emoji?
They are excited, expressive and want the person to know how they are feeling. They love to do things for fun and hate the normal boring life.
#7. Shy Callers
So then, there are those who hate to take calls or a too shy for it. They use texting as a form of socializing with their friends.
They tend to be very good at maintaining rapport with the people who have been texting them a lot. They are more comfortable and fun talking to someone on text than in person or on call.

What does their texting style say about them?
They are reserved in real life. They don’t tend to talk much in person and they are socially awkward. But they have a lot to say and express.
They value the things that matter. They love honest conversations, making friends, and being the one who’s always there when you need them.
And me?
I talk to these people to observe how they text so that I can write about them and create cool graphics.
Nonetheless, we could never really judge someone based on the text. The best way to misunderstand anyone’s intentions or feelings is to text them. Don’t ever try to resolve a fight on text.
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