Long, long ago the movie Rudaali made an impact on me and not for the obvious reasons. It introduced to me the professions that make you go “Hell No, that can’t be an actual job!“.
People who cried and howled for money – ‘rudaalis’, that’s how the movie got its name.
Why does such a job exist?
Because the ‘high-born’ were not allowed to show any emotion, so another person would cry for them. If someone else crying could purge MY emotions, I would pay them heftily to do it every time I re-read ‘Snape is dead’.
6 Craziest Jobs in the World
There are some crazy jobs out there. From the people who are professional mourners to those who test sex toys; no one can deny that we live in a world of weird and sometimes downright bizarre jobs.
We may not want to do them at all, but we can read about it and spend a few minutes thinking about these professions and what they entail.
#1. Professional Mourner

It is an actual job, even on the day of the Millennials. Imagine my shock when I stumbled across the site Rent-A-Mourner. What does the site do?
Exactly what the name purports. You can hire individuals who will create the appropriate mournful mood.
As the name also purports, this job is one of the most depressing jobs there is.
On some days, it can really help you let it all out but on some days, it can turn your happy day into a grey one. Professional Mourners are no less than actors, though.
The ancient practice was not just limited to Rajasthan.
Africa, China, and the Middle East also had their own versions of ‘rudaalis’. Rudaali literally means female weeper or weeping woman.
Considering we are not that happy with DIY, even today, raking in professionals is still in style.
#2. Car Plate Blockers

Remember that time when Kejriwal made himself ‘oh, so famous’ with odd-even? People made a career out of that too.
No, not in sadda dilli but rather in Iran.
The authorities in Tehran had the same brilliant idea of allowing even number plates on certain days and odd on the others.
The ‘jugaad’ the denizens found was to pay the greenback boogie to people who will walk behind the car.
To hide the plates!
There is just no topping the scrappiness of the human brain. It will find a way to make money out of virtually anything. Brilliant! I say.
#3. Snapchat Master
First, there were social media influencers, now there are masters. Yes, that is a thing too.
There are even classes for it. So, the other day Internet proved to be truly a never-ceasing wonder.
“I am a Snapchat storyteller” that is the day job of Austin Iuliano.
True Story. *glasses clinking*. No jokes amigos.
He says if there is a black belt for Karate then why not for Snapchat?
What does his job entail? He creates stories on Snapchat for brands. How awesome is this?
#4. Orgasm Engineer
Another craziest job in the world is Orgasm Enginner. Decode – sex toy tester. Cosmetics get tested.
Nokia literally threw their phone on walls to check them, so why not quality check our Battery Operated Boyfriends?
Individuals seeking this *cough*…uhmm… ‘position’ generally have to *cough* *cough* work from home.
The job is simple, yet ‘stimulating” (pun intended), test out the gadget in as many ways as possible and give a review!
#5. Professional Sleeper

Do you want to find out if a bed they are going to buy will be cozy enough? Do you need someone to help you decide if it will be comfortable enough for you to sleep in?
Go hire a professional sleeper. Professional sleepers are skilled at testing things like mattresses, chairs, beds, floor coverings, and so on.
We have a whole article on Professional Sleepers and even job opportunities for professional sleepers if you are interested to apply.
There is no dearth of strange jobs in the world (Amusingly).
You could become a Professional Mattress Jumper or a Shark Tank Cleaner or hell even the person lugging around a box giving electric shocks to people stumbling out of bars.
#6. Professional Cuddler
And you could even be a professional cuddler. “Call Him Eddy” is a lovely short Indian film featuring a professional cuddler.
So, next time someone asks you what you want to be, don’t say a doctor.
For God knows you could be Princess Consuela Bananahammock! (Dear friend, hoping you would remember her.)
Do you know about any other craziest jobs in the world? or you might find your current job is as crazy as this list. Do let us know in the comments below. ?